This is another post in my series of ”20 lines of code” posts. For the previous ones see:
A JavaScript router in 20 lines
A JavaScript test runner in 20 lines
What’s memoization and what’s special about React’s useMemo?
Memoization, in short, is used to cache function resu...
A few weeks ago I saw this tweet about the world's smallest test library by @snuggsi, which is a great little snippet! Though I see it more as the world's smallest assertion library, so I've decided to do a follow up on my previous post about A JavaScript router ...
Last week I found this post about writing a template engine in 20 lines, which in turn is inspired by John Resig's post on the same topic. I find them really simple, interesting and inspiring so I came up with the idea of making a simple client side router in just 20 lin...